Gradient Mess #14 Poster #882

Presentation of a creation made with text and gradient under Photoshop

A word about the Design Today’s design is more elaborated than the previous design and feature more text that I wrote as it comes to my mind. I also spent a short amount of time on the layout. I separated it by the text in the center with the long white rectangle, and I tried […]

Gradient Mess #13 Poster #881

Presentation of the poster 881 named Gradient Mess 13

A word about the Design One more time, I used an ultra-minimalist style to realize today’s poster. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #12 Poster #880

Presentation image of the poster number 880 named Gradient Mess 12

A word about the Design OK! I am working on my website and the shop section these days, especially about creating fresh and useful products. It is the reason why I am trying to spend less time on my posters. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #11 Poster #879

Gradient mess number 11 presentation

A word about the Design Today’s poster is another step in minimalism. I only used a gradient, a plastic, and a thin typography. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #10 Poster #878

Presentation of the poster design number 878 named Gradient Mess 10

A word about the Design Yes, it is another minimalist creation made in under 6 minutes. The idea here is to make the statue of Apollo look packed into plastic. Simple and visually effective. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #8 Poster #877

Presentation of the poster number 877 titled Gradient Mess 9

A word about the Design An ancient blackletter and a monospace font together look weird. I admit it. But, look at them closely, and after your eyes make it usual, it’s fine. On this poster, I used a structure to compose with the element to contrast with the one I created yesterday. Speed Art Video […]

Gradient Mess #8 Poster #876

Overview of the creation number 876 Gradient Mess 8

A word about the Design Today’s creation looks like a mess, and it is due to the experiments I created with the Photoshop Filter named Wind.So, I tried to apply the Filter with different settings on the same layer and see what happens. When I got enough shapes to play with, I started to compose […]

Gradient Mess #7 Poster #875

Visual presentation of the poster 875 named Gradient Mess 7

A word about the Design It a new solution based on yesterday’s design I realized with horizontal rectangles. This poster looks more minimalist, and the effect of Apollo coming in and out of the rectangle gradient is immersive. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #6 Poster #784

Presentation of the poster 874 named Gradient Mess 6

A word about the Design Another day, another style, same mini-series. I used horizontal rectangles to cut Apollo and the background to create dynamism. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Gradient Mess #5 Poster #873

Presentation of the poster number 873 named Gradient Mess 5

A word about the Design I had no idea about how I will make today’s poster while I was working on it. The thing I like the most about this design is the colorful background. Speed Art Video Tutorial