Lost Game #2 Poster #434

About the Poster

Another mini-series is starting with the second poster titled Lost Game. It is another version of yesterday’s design realized only with vectors and geometric shapes. The things which changed, is the fact that the lines are horizontal and not vertical.

I also played more with diagonal lines to see what visually happens, and of course, if it was interesting. At least, it was satisfying to create it!
To create this design, I had to be patient and take the time this creation needs. It was difficult to do it fast because I had to verify every anchor point is a great place. I should use a better grid to help me place the elements.

The Lost Game posters inspired me and bring me a new idea for tomorrow’s poster. I have some good ways to improves the style of this new mini-series. I am in a hurry to see what will happens tomorrow!

Poster speed art

The wifi was terrible these days. Impossible to connect myself, or I had to wait hours to open a Web page! The reason why I didn’t publish yesterday’s poster on time!
Come back tomorrow to discover poster #435! Thank you, and have a nice day.

Music Credit

The song I download today is named The Old RV and has been made by Craig MacArthur.