Lost Game Poster #433

About the Poster

When you have something in mind, it stays there until you can find a way to throw it away in a way or another. In my case, it is by express myself with creation, do something, being creative by think, draw, paint, elaborate, taking the picture, playing basketball, and play with my daughter. I do that every single day. If I don’t, I feel sad, nervous, and little things can bother me.

I spend more time than usual to create Lost Game Poster. Probably because it is something new to do — to me —, and I was absorbed my daily creative warm up. I also didn’t see the time pass while dealing with the black and white shapes on the canvas.

I guess that it was difficult to align the shapes on the canvas because it is an A1 Format, it is large, and the rule help of Illustrator was messing — I guess.

Poster speed art

I am late in publishing this post du to some technical issues — the wifi didn’t allow me to publish something yesterday!
Today, I will create poster #434! Come to check what it will look like.