Enjoy is Simple Poster #381

About the Poster

I wake up early this morning. I was tired because the baby’s tears interrupted our night. I decided to take the sleep I need for spending a day full of energy.
As usual, I started the morning by the ritual I did for one year, which consists of creating a poster. It become a daily warm-up to my creativity.

So, today, I created another poster with an image I took from the website Unsplash. They are a lot of free high quality and high-resolution pictures you can download for your project. I am not affiliated with them! I like to share the good stuff! And their website provides the work of skilled photographer who shares their job for free.

That make me think about doing some free work to download. Why not?
The picture I choose shows a man breathing in a cold environment, I guess. I liked the picture and the fact that there is a strong contrast between the men’s hair and the background. I would select his hair easier. It wasn’t too boring and I cut-out them fast.

While I was doing the cut-out. I thought about what will be the next step. So, the idea to write “Enjoy is simple when you know where to look” came to my mind without push too much. You know that I don’t prepare myself the day before. I create a poster a day, and I do it with the feeling or idea of that moment. No premeditation! Or sometimes, I select some pictures for the next days.

I am thinking that I have to try to prepare my poster some days before. Elaborate a concept or something. I will see!

Poster speed art

Nothing magic about the trick, but if you like the poster, take a look at the video below to see how I deal with this creation.
Come back tomorrow to discover poster #382!

Photo Credit

The photography of the man breathing on the poster was shoot by Elijah Hiett (Unsplash).

Music Credit

Drunken Sailor is the name of the song I selected to create today’s poster speed art video. The song was made by Cooper Cannell (Youtube). Only one video on his Youtube Chanel.