New Game Layout Poster #380

About the Poster

I spent a busy and fun day with my poster in the early morning, my family in the late morning, and with my daughter in the afternoon.
Yesterday, I choose a picture on Unsplash and started to work on it this morning. The photograph shows a man wearing a hoodie on a dark background.

I saw a tutorial online about how to cut-out models for twenty minutes. When I tried to use this new knowledge, I noticed one more time, that the background and the hair of the model melt too much for being selectable with Photoshop’s tools.

After messing with the cut-out, I created some rectangles that I placed in the center of the canvas. I finally only let two of them, a small one and a bigger one down. After, I created lines as a pattern, small and big ones. To finish the poster, don’t ask why I get the idea to invent a kind of grid used to delimit the area of a playground. To do so, I created a circle and a smaller circle on the top of the first one. And done! I made the poster #380!

Poster speed art

If you like today’s poster, take a look at the video below. I recorded myself creating the design from the start to the end.
Come back tomorrow to discover poster #381!

Photo Credit

The photography of the man I used to create today’s poster was taken by the photographer Albert Dera (Unsplash).

Music Credit

Karma Catis the name of the song I used to create today’s poster speed art video. The song was made by the musician Dyalla (Youtube).