Objective #12 Poster #305

Introduction image of the poster number 305 Objective 12

My elbow is still hurting, and guess what I lean on to close my alarm clock? My elbow! It was an intense and painful wake-up!If not, everything is fine with me, including the mini-series of posters Objective. The Design It is not pretentious to say that for tomorrow; I have an interesting idea about how […]

Objective #11 Poster #304

Poster design 304 of the mini-series Objective

On October 31, 2019, in Southeast China, near the sea, the weather was still a bit warm because the sun was shining​. The only problems are a cold wind from the Pacific Ocean and humidity​. If not, it would be perfect. I want to tell you the context and where I am creating my daily […]

Objective #10 Poster #303

Objective 10 introduction image

Do you think it is possible not to hear 30 minutes of an alarm clock on an iPad? With a max song? I did it this morning. Of course, I woke up late. I am in the last rush for a project related to wine. It will end next month, and I will have more […]

Objective #9 Poster #302

Imaginative poster mixing typography, images and vector

I decided to continue exploring the poster mini-series Objective until I realized 20 posters in this style is not an easy solution because I am already tired of them. By affirming that, I put my perseverance to the test​ and see where I can bring this mini-series. The Design As you will notice by watching […]

Objective #8 Poster #301

Digital art creation made with oblique geometric forms and typography

This Monday, I woke up 30 minutes late; I did exercise in a dirty basement with several cats’ shit​ near the wall — this is how I noticed there were​ hidden cats there, and these shits made me feel sick. After that, I find the courage to ​buy something to eat. And then, I started […]

Three Hundred Poster #300

​ I could not follow my alarm clock this Sunday, so I woke up later than usual. At least I heard the alarm—sometimes, I pretend not to listen to it while half sleeping.Wake up late and, of course, start to design late. The Design I took a break from the mini-series “Objective” to celebrate poster […]

Objective #7 Poster #299

Introduction of the creative poster design number 299 Objective 7

A short night, missing stuff, and many things to do weren’t a good start for my day this early morning. But after reading and smoking a cigarette—or two—my daughter woke up, and I said hello to her. Her smile and happiness made me forget my lousy start and filled my heart with love as an […]

Objective #6 Poster #298

Creative poster design Objective 6

One more sunny day spent playing basketball with a painful​ elbow, caring for my daughter, eating, working, showering, and not forgetting to design the Objective 6 poster. The Design Why should I make a colorful rectangle on the background to start the design?It wasn’t a rule of the mini-series, and I break it today by […]

Objective 5 Poster #297

Presentation of the futuristic poster creation 297 Objective 5

It’s another sunny day to design poster Objective number 5. I wake up early and enjoy the morning before sunset when people are still asleep. There is something magical to exploit for ​profit, so do it or try it on time. It is a life-changing​ attitude that will level up your game, motivation, and brain’s […]

Objective #4 Poster #296

Introduction of the digital art number 296 titled Objective 4

I woke up early to design poster Objective number 4. Even though I was tired, I had fun before the sunrise. When you wake up earlier than usual, the principal goal of the day is to not fall asleep at noon. I feel that I successfully evolved the mini-series of poster Objective with this poster. […]