Greek Apollo
A word about the Design A week ago, I was thinking about Apollo and decided to do a Brainstorming! As a result of these thoughts, Apollo’s nationality came to my mind. He is Greek. Naturally, after this, the word Geek quickly appeared on my list. I don’t take a long time to mix them to […]
Yellow Futur
Today, I wished a day with 72 hours to make and polish this Poster Design number 34! About Yellow Futur Design #34 I continue to explore and play with geometric vector shapes, cut Apollo’s head, and typography. The whole poster feels nice and balanced in terms of colors, space, and shapes. A visual entrance at […]
Poster Design number 33 is inspired by orange gold. After its realization, the poster’s title was Luxury for the simple reason that I feel it more than I can explain! About Luxury Design #33 I used another picture of the same Statue of Apollo from different angles. It allows me to give a more substantial […]
To celebrate the first day of February, I’m thinking of creating a quick minimalist Poster Design and hoping to have a break! If you are a designer, you know that nothing is easy! About February Poster Design #32 The only quick thing I made was the color selection for the purple and salmon gradient that […]
Moon Shower
We have already arrived at the end of January; time flies. Unfortunately, to celebrate, I must present you with a Poster Design that I am disappointed with. About Moon Shower Design #30 I found a picture of Kira Schwarz (Behance link) of a girl in the water. I could use it for a poster, so […]
High Five
To spice up my poster design a bit, I bought some new, fresh pictures. You already saw the foot, and now I’ve added the statue of a hand. About High Five Design #30 The two new pictures inspire and motivate me for this “everyday poster design challenge,“ I hope you can notice it on my […]
Taking Flight
For Poster Design #29, Take Flight, I broke the rule of using Apollo’s head. In place, I used his foot—probably not his foot—for change and did something else. About Take Flight Design #29 As usual, this is an experimental Poster where I try to play between my ideas and Photoshop options. I also play with […]
Apollo’s Fall
I used another picture of a skull statue for today’s Poster Design! About Apollo’s Fall Design #28 For the first time, I tried to include the skull statue inside Apollo’s head by removing some parts and adapting the color between the two pictures.I finally asked myself why. Why do such a thing for nothing? And […]
Here we are with another freestyle Poster Design, #26, without any topic, expectation, or idea at first! Oh, that’s good! About Pixel Design #27 A yellow, lemon, and green radial gradient background, a start, and a falling Apollo’s face are used. A pixelated Apollo’s head has been used for a more interesting background, and some […]
The only thing I knew when I started Poster Design #26 was that I would use Pentagons! About Pentaghost Design #26 As an experimentation designer, I explored many types of blur and noise in the effect panel of every graphic designer’s favorite creative software.I add depth to the poster by playing with darker colors, noise, […]