Greek Apollo

by | Feb 4, 2019

Some week ago I was thinking about Apollo, and I decided to make a Brainstorming! As a result of these thoughts​, Apollo’s nationality came to my mind. He is Greek. Naturally,​ after this, the word Geek quickly followed in my list. I don’t take​ me a long time to​ mix them to generate the sentence “Apollo is Greek, ​not Geek” which I feel is a funny saying.

I let myself inspired by yesterday’s poster design #34 Yellow Futur because I had such a good time designing it. In place to use vertical lines,​​ I used oblique for the rect​angle vector shapes and to cut Apollo’s head.

Greek Apollo Conception Making Off

Another video of my creative process on Photoshop without meet any problems with​the ​montage. Hope you will enjoy watching me working on this one! See you tomorrow for the Poster Design #36.