Valentine’s Day

Thumbnail presentation of the Poster Design #45 titled Valentine's Day

Today, February 14th, 2019 is the Valentine’s Day. I feel I can’t miss it for today’s Poster.I believe they are the ones who care and others who don’t. I​ ignore ​Valentine’s Day. The reason is that I care for my wife​ every day​ of the year. Every day​ is ​Valentine’s Day. I learned that the […]

Past of a Mountain

Thumbnail presentation of the Poster Design #44 Past of a Mountain

Today, February 13th, 2019, Poster Design #44, I selected photography by Korean photographer Sunyu Kim of a beautiful landscape of a mountain and sky in autumn—a picture taken in South Korea, I guess. The photograph offers me such beautiful colors. The gradient from blue to red in the sky and its reflections on the mountain […]

Morning Dew

Thumbnail image presentation of the poster design #43 titled Morning Dew

I am starting to appreciate to use pastel colors on my Poster Design. They look sweet and attractive, simple to mix together because of​ low saturation. In the other hand, they look like a tasteless candy. They betray​ my bad use of color theo​ries. It is also the less risky option because ​I am sure […]


Thumbnail of the Poster Design #42 Agastopia

Today, February 10th, 2019, Poster Design: I inspired myself by the 80s with the Memphis style and pastel colors, like Poster Design #15, Pastelight. Agastopia Poster Conception I started by modifying​ Apollo’s statue saturation to make it lighter. After that, I made rectangle shapes with a​ round corner and filled them with a pastel gradient […]


Presentation thumbnail of the Poster Design #40 titled Incrassate

From yesterday’s Poster Design #40 Empasm, I continue exploring weirdness and daftness with a mystical geometric form with no real meaning. The mountain highlights and gives Apollo a dimension. I am relatively proud of the reflections​ on the floor. They look relatively accurate, but not too much. They are challenging to integrate into​ such a […]


The thumbnail presentation of the Poster Design #40 named Empasm

What is a strange Poster Design made on February 10th, 2019? I wanted to use pastel colors, noise, and something weird with Apollo’s head and hand.I think these little wishes have been fulfilled, and I am satisfied by what I did today. Surrounding Apollo’s head and hand with rectangles and ellipses​ was a pretty good […]


Creative Poster Design thumbnail number 39 titled Disenthral

For this February 9th, 2019 Poster Design, I was inspired by a word I had never heard before. This word is “Disenthral,” a verb meaning to deliver someone from slavery. I started using​ cold blue for every design element to keep a uniqueness between vectors and images. This resulted in an​ insipid design without any […]

Unlived Memories

Thumbnail presentation Poster Design #38 Unlived Memories

The real challenge in the creative industry is to say stop. Creatives love​ to spend time improving and thinking — heavily overthink — our creations. On the other hand,​ we must live our lives and pay the bills. That said, I was well inspired by today’s Poster Design and its title, “Unlived Memories.” I started […]

Digital Overdose

Thumbnail presentation of the Poster #37 Digital Overdose

I had no idea what I would do for Poster Design #37. Fortunately,​ I put myself to work late in the afternoon and started by creating​ a polygon​ that passes​ around Apollo’s head and adding an ultra-colorful gradient in its stroke. After creating the first steps — putting my mind to work and forgetting time […]

Chinese New Year

Thumbnail presentation of the poster design #36 Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!My feelings and experiences about this Chinese New Year inspire Poster Design #36. I have been living in a little town in China for​ three years now. According to me, colorful Fireworks are​ only for big cities because here, they are more like noisy firecrackers. They explode​ all​ night everywhere, from far […]