Zero Information #20 Poster #485

Visual of the last poster design of the mini-series Zero Information 20

About the Design

Finally, I made it! Creating twenty posters in the same style was tough, with some adjustments, changes, improvements, and sometimes new ideas. It made me tired. The repetition of the process during these twenty last days was wearing me down. Creating the same shapes and using the same typography and concepts became hard after poster number ten in each mini-series.

It is easy to understand that I am glad to finish this little challenge. I want to create something else; it is a must! I will maybe use the picture of Apollo I used during the first year and mix it with other elements. I will see that tomorrow!

Speed Art Video

If you like Zero Information poster number 20, watch the video below; it may be interesting.
Come back tomorrow to see what I will come up with. Take care of yourself!

Music Credit

To cover the last poster of the Zero Information mini-series, I used a song made by Yung Logos (YouTube channel). Their song is named Cali Buzz.