Suns Poster #81

Presentation image of the poster design #81 named Suns

To create poster design number 81, I used geometric shapes and blend modes, tried some blur effects, and played with TV noise texture images.

The design

Visual of the poster design #81 titled Suns and its geometric shapes
Poster #81 Suns

Before starting poster #81, I had no idea how or what I would do except that I would use Apollo’s head because that is a rule fixed at the beginning of the Apollo 365° project​.
I started by modifying ​Apollo’s head by playing with the Filter Liquify, which took forever to apply​.

I duplicated the rectangle background and applied a wave effect under​ a distort filter. Then, I played with geometric forms, their aspects, ​and colors, letting my intuition guide me in realizing this composition.

Speed Art Poster #81

The process of this poster was smooth. As previously stated, it happened naturally​ , and I placed elements according to my intuition. So, I hope you enjoy watching me work on the “Suns” poster and take a look tomorrow at poster #82!​​