Gradient Mess #4 Poster #872

Graphic creation presentation number 873

A word about the Design If you look at the video of this poster, I started today’s design with the one I made yesterday as a starting point. I tried to improve it. One day earlier, it seems, in theory, a good idea to me to do so. After making it, it was practically not […]

Gradient Mess #3 Poster #871

Visual overview of the poster 871 titled Gradient Mess 3

A word about the Design I placed the focal point of this poster in the center to see what I will be able to do. When I see today’s creation, I also see some ways to improve it. I think I will take today’s poster as a starting point for tomorrow and make it better. […]

Gradient Mess Poster #869

Presentation of the digital artwork 869 Gradient Mess

A word about the Design I will definitively use 150ppi for each poster since now. A1 format is large enough, and as I said, it is difficult to find that big image to work with it on the canvas. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Path Poster #868

Presentation of the poster number 868 named Path

A word about the Design Another 150ppi poster on which I spent more time working on than usual. I think you can see the difference between two minutes and a thirty minutes creation. I compose the design better, same if it is possible to improve its global looks. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Apollo’s Maze Poster #867

Visual creation made with Apollo's statue photographs

A word about the Design I am using the A1 format for my poster. It is around 7016×9933 pixels which are too large to use photographs within the canvas. All my images look ways too small and make my task harder because I have no choice of extension to compose something. I did it for […]

Stop Poster #866

Presentation of the digital artwork number 866 named Stop

A word about the Design Ok, I admit that this one looks like a rough draft. I didn’t know what to do, and I want to have more time to side project on the side of my life, work, and that project. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Apollo 3 Poster #865

Presentation of the poster number 865 named Apollo 3

A word about the Design I can’t remember if it is the most minimalist poster I ever made, but what I am sure about is that it is not the quickest. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Apollo Apollo Poster #863

Presentation of the poster number 863 titled Apollo Apollo

A word about the Design I continue exploring this style of posters, and I am lazy enough to don’t take the time to cut out more new photos of Apollo’s statue. Only to improve the mini-series, but I am pushing myself to do so. Speed Art Video Tutorial