Coronavirus #11 Poster #417

About the Poster

From yesterday I am trying to overpass the quality of the poster Coronavirus #9. I have to say that it is difficult. Besides, Photoshop crashed seriously hard yesterday. Impossible to open it or do something with the files. When I opened them, I only see a big glitch everywhere — I should make a screenshot! Why do I think about that only now? So, I uninstall and install it again. Unfortunately, all of my brushes left. I was a bit attached to them because, over time, they become my go-to brushes.

After these inconveniences opened Photoshop once the upload ended, set up my pannels, and start to design the poster by importing the cell and the colors. Yes, it is simpler to re-use the same colors, I don’t have so search another combination, and it is time-saving when you have many things to do.
I start to place the cell, write the title, duplicate some version with different font variation.

Oh, you probably noticed that I am continuing the mini-series of poster Coronavirus. I took the decision this morning!

Poster speed art

This is the video tutorial number #417. Take a look at the process and let a review on Youtube! Thank you!
Come back tomorrow to take a look at poster #418.

Music Credit

One more time, I used a song made by Loopop (Youtube). His song is titled Juno In The Space Maze.