Line Poster #126

by | May 6, 2019

Line is an original poster design realized with black & white lines pattern, geomteric forms which use three colors such as red, blue, and yellow. ​

The design

To create Line Poster, I wanted to use black & white lines as a pattern and principal element on my design. Straightforward wish isn’t it?
I open Photoshop, set the date and poster number, and then I open Illustrator to create the lines pattern. I import the pattern in Photoshop, and I use the Liquify Filter to generate some crazy shapes with the pattern. The result is dynamic lines with a nice movement in the poster which direct the viewer’s eyes.

But the visual misses something, and I try again to play with the Liquify Filter to generate round forms and arrange within the design. Without forget to add blurry forms behind to add depth. I finally add some shapes with red, blue and yellow colors to enhance the overall design.​

Speed Art Poster #126

Hope that you visually enjoy Line Poster because I was filming my screen while creating its design and I compile a speed art video that you can watch. So, feel free to comment, like and share on youtube or say hello. I see you tomorrow for ​poster #127