Line Poster #126

Presentation image of Line Poster #126 with Apollo's picture and line elements

Line” is an original poster design realized using a black-and-white line pattern and geometric forms in three colors: red, blue, and yellow.

The design

Line poster #126 is an exploration of lines and the filter Liquify in Photohosp
Poster #126 Line

To create a Line Poster, I wanted to use black & white lines as a pattern and principal element in my design. Straightforward wish.
I opened Photoshop, set the date and poster number, and then opened Illustrator to create the line pattern. I imported the pattern into Photoshop and used the Liquify Filter to generate some crazy shapes. The result is dynamic lines with excellent movement in the poster that direct the viewer’s eyes.

However, the visuals lacked something, so I tried again to play with the Liquify Filter to generate round forms and arrange them within the design. I also forgot to add blurry forms behind to add depth. Finally, I added some shapes with red, blue, and yellow colors to enhance the overall design.​

Speed Art Poster #126

I hope you enjoy Line Poster visually because I was filming my screen while creating its design, and I compiled a speed art video you can watch. So, feel free to comment, like, and share on YouTube or say hello. I will see you tomorrow for ​poster #127.