About the Poster
Firstly, I paid for the 3D render of the Coronavirus I used on a website you will easily find if you type it in Google. I paid, and I don’t want to make an advertisement today.
Secondly, I used Blender 2.8 with the new Eevee real-time render engine, which I didn’t know about. I thought it wouldn’t be interesting to my audience to watch me search and try stuff for hours on Blender, so I didn’t record the work on the 3D software—I forgot to record, too!
Fortunately, the 3D Coronavirus developed a texture that was well applied to the cell. It removes a good part of the work for me. After using a bit of the cell on Blender, I noticed that the cell membranes were a little bit too squared, and I wasn’t sure if the Coronavirus looked like that. So, I searched what it looked like, and, of course, I finished Wikipedia. I noticed the image they show on their website doesn’t resemble the 3D render I used. Or maybe they show an evolved version or the previous state of the virus; I am not sure; I don’t want to invest time into that knowledge.
Poster speed art
I regret not recording while working on Blender, but watching the speed art video would have been boring. Instead, I recorded the process in Photoshop from start to finish! So, you will discover how I created today’s design.
Tomorrow, I will create poster #408; come back!
Have a nice day and take care!