Coronavirus #2 Poster #408

About the Poster

To keep things simple, I utilized the same 3D render of the cell than yesterday. I duplicated the cell and applied an Adjustment Layer, Hue/Saturation to change the colors of the second cell to notice the result is not what I expected. I removed the Adjustment Layer and hit the Menu Image, Adjustment, Selective color to get more control over the colors I want to modify.

After setting the color of the cell as I wanted, I had the word “Coronavirus” in Chinese with their Kanji, and add a gradient background color made with the color of the two cells.

As often, I didn’t have a clear idea of the result, I let things go, and I follow my feelings and intuitions to design today’s poster. The final result looks minimalist and sober, the reason why I had to change the layout to fit the poster better.

Poster speed art

It is the first time that I didn’t touche the speed duriation of the video, it will be like a live stream!
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow and discover poster #409!
Have a nice day and take care!

Music Credit

The song titled Fusion of Dhol I used in today’s video was made by Aakash Gandhi (Youtube).