Precisely 409 years ago — 7 January 1610 for do the maths — Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, discovers the first three moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, and Ganymede!
Irony of fate, he died January 8, 1642 — 32 years later and one day before its discovery.
About the Design

Galaxy, Stars, Nebulae, and everything about Space inspired today’s Poster Design. I like to watch documentaries about space, and I felt it would be awesome to design on this topic.
After 20 minutes of creating a starry background, the design took shape with the star and the space clouds. I added some colors and started to deal with the font and Apollo’s statue.
I tried to show the space-time dilation and distortion with the type. That’s why I used compressed and thin, standard and heavy, as a contrast to represent this effect.
Galileo Galilei’s Speed Art
Again, the speed art video of Galileo Galilei’s poster conception is here.
It’s always lovely to see you here. You encourage and strengthen me to continue this Design Poster Challenge throughout the year!
To conclude, I use another song in my video.
The video’s music comes from the website BenSound, where you can download free, well-made music. The sound is an electro sound named Dubstep.