Happy Birthday Love

Thumbnail of the Poster Design #25 titled Happy Birthday Love

January 25, 2019,​ is my wife’s 37th birthday, and I decided to wish her a happy birthday with a Poster Design—it didn’t work at all! About The Poster Design #25 I know choosing red and pink to represent​ love is evident. But my wife comes​ from China, and Red is twice as powerful there.I played […]


Poster Design #24 Vegetalizer Thumbnail presentation

I Want to feel more plants and flowers today! There is no reason why to choose this Poster Design topic! About The Vegetalizer Design #24 I spent too much time on this poster. Removing the pictures of flowers and plants from the background was a massive part of the work. I should have spent less […]

The Quiet Pier

Thumbnail of the Poster Design #23 titled The Quiet Pier

For this new Poster Design #23, I inspired myself by the picture like I did with Poster Design #21, The Cloud. I used a photograph made by Wout de Jong from the Netherlands because the pictures inspired me and because it will give Apollo’s head another dimension—a huge dimension! About The Quiet Pier Design #21 […]

Intergalactic Journey

Thumbnail presentation of the Poster Design #22 Intergalactic Journey

I continue to explore different ways to cut Apollo’s head. Letting the head appear between two holes ​, like a glass hole, is a good idea, and the result is satisfying. About Intergalactic Journey Design #22 Even before I began to design and asked myself what I would do, I knew I’d have to use […]

The Cloud Apollo 21

Thumbnail which present the Poster Design title The Cloud

For today’s poster design, I inspired myself with a picture of a cloud in the sky made by Alex Andrews.The picture is interesting for a photo montage because of its separation generated by the blue sky and the grey smog. About The Cloud Poster Design #21 Even before I began to design and asked myself […]

Ostracism Apollo 20

Thumbnail presentation of the Poster Design #20 titled Ostracism

The idea of this visual comes from a word that itself comes from Apollo. This word is Ostracism. Ostracism (Greek: ὀστρακισμός, ostrakismos) was a procedure under the Athenian democracy in which any citizen could be expelled from the city-state of Athens for ten years. While some instances clearly expressed popular anger at the citizen, ostracism […]

Apollo 19 Primary

Thumbnail presentation creation for the Poster Design #19 Primary

This is another poster design in which I let my mind go everywhere it wants without any goals or expectations​. That was only the beginning. The more forms I add, the more I estimate the composition balance and the more that raises questions about my graphic design capacities. About Primary Poster Design #19 These days, […]

Apollo 18 Black Out

Presentation thumbnail of the Poster Design Number 18 Black Out

Two days ago, there was an electrical failure. Of course, it happened just before I posted Poster Design #16, “Mars,” late in the evening, and I went to smoke a cigarette in the city’s darkness before sleeping. It was very dark in the neighborhood until a cop car passed with its red and blue beacon […]

Apollo 17 Askew

Thumbnail visual presentation of the Digital Art Poster Design Askew

Before starting this Poster Design Challenge, Apollo 365°, I told myself, “Two hours will be enough; I won’t have to work more on that.”Yes, for some of the Posters, but not for all of them like “Askew.” There were two days that I designed without sketching before, and I finally noticed and knew that it […]

Apollo 16 Mars

Thumbnail of the Poster Design #16 named Mars

I am proud to introduce you to “Mars,” poster design #16.It is a dark, sober, and geometric design. It is also inspired by Mars and Space Deepness. About The Poster Design #16 I jump into the space topic again because it is fascinating and opens many creative possibilities.To create this Poster, I first watched my […]