Geometric Jam #18 Poster #911
A word about the Design Another new digital creation made in a rush. The mini-series is ending soon! Speed Art Video Tutorial
Geometric Jam #17 Poster #910
A word about the Design It is a simpler version of the previous design of the mini-series with fewer forms, but I placed them carefully on the canvas. Speed Art Tutorial
Geometric Jam #16 Poster #909
A word about the Design I received my charger, and I can charge my computer again! That’s good news that excites me. I realized Geometric Jam 16 on an App with my iPad. That means it was difficult because I hadn’t practiced the app very much before.
Geometric Girl #2 Poster #908
A word about the Design Three days ago, my computer battery died. I could not use my Mac, so I decided to illustrate a poster on my iPad.I drew a girl looking at the sky, using black and white and geometric shapes inside the portrait.
Geometric Girl Poster #907
A word about the Design I realized today’s poster on my iPad is purely illustrative. My computer charge broke yesterday, so I am in a hurry to post this illustration!
Geometric Jam #15 Poster #906
A word about the Design Another day with a new poster about the mini-series Geometric Jam number 15. Speed Art Video Tutorial
Geometric Jam #14 Poster #905
A word about the Design A new poster with an excellent sense of depth. Speed Art Video Tutorial
Geometric Jam #13 Poster #904
A word about the Design I forgot to push the record button, and you won’t have a video about making this poster! My bad! In addition, it is a minimalist creation, and it took me less than five minutes to create it, so the video would also be too short.
Geometric Jam #12 Poster #903
A word about the Design Today, I played with strokes to see what I could extract from them. I have to say it was better in my imagination. But I have laid the foundations for tomorrow. Speed Art Video Tutorial
Geometric Jam #11 Poster #902
A word about the Design Today, I created a poster that was almost totally based on vertical and horizontal symmetry. That brings me an idea for tomorrow’s creation and a way to refresh it. Speed Art Video Tutorial