Matterhorn #14 Poster #931

Visual presentation of the poster 931 Matterhorn 14

A word about the Design Creating a poster every day is starting to pressure me. I feel as if I have already explored every topic and overused any idea or concept. I also know it is a temporary feeling because I am overwhelmed by my life and everything I, my wife, and my kids want […]

Poster #930 Matterhorn #13

Presentation of the digital creation 930 named Matterhorn 13

A word about the Design By duplicating and enlarging the picture, I created a symmetrical design that almost looks mystical. I added some geometric shapes and set them under different fusion modes, and it was good enough to be the end result. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #12 Poster #929

Visual overview of a poster I made with the picture of the Swiss Mountain Cervin

A word about the Design I watched the previous posters of the mini-series, and I noticed that they are better than what I am creating these days.I can’t let it happen, so I took a little bit more time to design today, and the result is here! Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #11 Poster #928

Presentation of the poster 928 titled Matterhorn 11

A word about the Design This digital creation looks sharp and dynamic with its 45° shaped angles. I accentuated the effect of dynamism by overlapping some shapes and playing with the white space, reverberating the shapes. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #10 Poster #927

Visual overview of the poster named Matterhorn 10

A word about the Design It is a new poster for the mini-series, which means it is another variation based on the same concept: use a gradient map and a picture of the mountain. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #8 Poster #925

A word about the Design Another minimalist creation is where I follow the triangle form of the mountain with the types. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #7 Poster #924

Overview of the digital art titled Matterhorn 7

A word about the Design This has probably been the most minimalist of the mini-series since I started it. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #6 Poster #923

Presentation of Matterhorn 6 which is a digital creation I made in Photoshop

A word about the Design Another composition is based on the Swiss mountain picture, where I duplicated the pic many times into a circle. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Matterhorn #5 Poster #922

Presentation image of the poster creation number five titled Matterhorn 5

A word about the Design I almost created a minimalist design with a few elements and a nice colored gradient map. Speed Art Video Tutorial