About the Design
Yes, I am falling in love with that style! I think I will create a mini-series of twenty posters. Still, nothing is sure for now; I will see how the poster can evolve and what possibilities it offers.
I am enjoying the design’s blended geometric shapes because they allow me to play with other elements, like if there is a 2D depth. I also like the grid, the little touch of colors here and there on the canvas, and the font I use.
Speed Art Video
If you like today’s poster, you will enjoy the video! Take a look, comment, criticize, and subscribe to the channel.
I’ll see you tomorrow to discover Zero Information poster #469.
Music Credit
It is unnecessary to present him anymore because I used his music many times in my video. His name is Nat Keefe & BeatMower (Youtube). The name of his free song is Thinking About The Universe.