Worthy Poster #218

I made Worthy Poster on time same under the Jetlag effect! I noticed that it is possible to get inspired at any times, you only have to open your eyes and make things happen​!

The Design

I enjoy playing​ with types because I love them, and today I allow me to play with Molde typeface. I also used a colorful gradient and geometric lines, and the picture of Apollo that I sliced as well as the font to create my composition. The visual looks like a digital collage because of the many sliced pieces of typography and picture I used.

“Worthy” poster is a game between repetition and variation of these replications​​ which creates a good contrast between them and the other elements. As a cacophony,​ they resonate together bringing a visual impact and interest to the composition.

Greyscale, Black and White, and the colorful gradient also play an essential role. They highlight each other because they are highly contrasted. The grid looks destructured by the juxtaposition of elements which bring dynamism.​

Speed Art Poster #216

It’s good to come back to​​ the country same if I am tired. It’s late and I am in a hurry to go sleep.

The speed art video are going shorter because I spend less time designing posters. I think less, I become more abstract, and I focus on the visual without overthinking small details or follow a strict grid.
Take a look at the video of the poster creation number 218, ​and I see you tomorrow for poster 219!