Up-Gradient Poster #135

by | May 15, 2019

I hope that you like Poster Mini-Series because today I am starting a new one named Up-Gradient. I am glad to present you the first poster.

The design

I fill the background with a very light grey and add Apollo’s Statue. Directly after that, I open Illustrator and create a pattern made of dots inside a form with sharp edges, and I also create a waves pattern.

The ​goal here is to create depth. I did it by duplication Apollo’s head three times in large, medium, and small size. To accentuate the effect, I added several elements with a color​ gradient ​between the three statues​.

Speed Art Poster #135

Second day that I am sick. Pretty difficult to deal with that and the poster challenge! Whatever, the speed art video #135 is here,​ and I hope you will enjoy watching​ me working on Up-Gradient poster.