Up-Gradient #11 Poster #145

by | May 25, 2019

Poster Up-Gradient number 11.I confir​m that the mini-series is ending today with this poster.

The design

The last poster of the mini-series Up-Gradient is a photo manipulation based on Apollo’s picture and the same gradient color than the other posters.

I solely cut and duplicate parts of the Statue of Apollo on the top of each other and mingle some geometric shapes in between from either part. To add realism to the shapes, I create a new layer and select the part of Apollo’s Statue that I fill in black, and generate a Gaussian Blur on this layer.​

Later, I add thin lines above the head of Apollo and some other organic shapes filled with the gradient to add a touch of craziness to the poster. That’s all!

Speed Art Poster #143

I thank you to follow the poster mini-series Up-Gradient! I truly appreciate it and thank you to the people who comment and share my work!
I am in a hurry to work on tomorrow’s poster number 146! For now, have a nice day!