Transition #3 Poster #254

Presentation of the poster design number 254 Transition 3

I welcome you to the third poster of the mini-series “Transition.” Today’s design explores the style and composition of the previous creations.​

The Design

Digital art titled Transition 3 with Photoshop effect on Apollo

The two previously made posters used the same style and process except for the colors and composition. On today’s poster, I made it look like a cross with the distorted effect of Apollo and the white lines. The elements follow a 45° angle except for the typography.

Poster Transition 3 is successful because of its​ dynamism. You don’t know where the pictures​ start​ and where they finish. The light aqua blue and the darker blue naturally work well together and help the poster look​ good and fresh.​

I used the same trick as yesterday, such as selecting only a small part of the picture of Apollo and extending it over the canvas. This adds a welcome touch of weirdness to that poster’s style and adds strong visual interest to the overall meaning​.

Speed Art Poster #254

For the 254 times, I register my screen while working on the Transition 3 poster.
That means the Speed Art Video #254 is ready to be watched​ on YouTube if you want to see me working. I am tired, and I wish you a nice day. I also invite you to take a look tomorrow at poster #255!