The Homeless Poster #370

About the Poster

I continue a kind of mini-series which consist to select a picture from Pexels and deal with it in Photoshop.
When I saw the sad, angry and desperate portrait picture of the Homeless man, I knew that I have to create something with this picture. Precarity is closer to us than we like to believe. It can touch everybody of us, at any time and under a thousand circumstances. It is sad, painful and hearts breaker.

I never had apprehension about homeless people because since I am young, I saw my parents working hard and only get the necessary minimum. Luckily because of them, for the first time, I never have been leaving on the street. And in a second time, because they always supported me.

We are all different and homeless people are so. Like is not always pink and we should show our solidarity with some bucks and talk, to share a story, a smile or whatever we can bring from that situation.

The Design

After removing the background with the Pen Tool, I added the darkest color of the picture as the background to melt them together. Later, I added a kind of colorful “aura” around the man to express his kindness and the fact that he is also a human like you.

Poster speed art

I read every message I receive from my website and social media! They are a motivation for me when they are not full of good advice. Don’t hesitate to contact me with anything you have to ask. It will maybe take some time to answer you, but I will. Thank you to come there and check my work!
See you tomorrow for the poster #371! Have a nice day!