Here I am!
I successfully realized 365 posters during the year 2019, one every day. It probably means nothing to you but means a lot to me! It means I am perseverant and creative, get good ideas, and support something from the start to the end, whatever my mood—sick, good, happy, unhappy…
Yes, I did it, and I almost can’t believe it. The two things I regret are my broken hard drives and the fact that I pay for the picture of Apollo — and some others on Shutterstock — and cannot use them to sell on posters online because I am not allowed to do it and because it is a bit expensive to buy the copyright.
The Design

After creating the poster and writing those lines, I realized that the top line with rounded edges should be orange and the left, not yellow. I wondered why I had put an orange text with Apollo on the top right and suddenly asked myself what the orange color was doing on the poster. This is a mistake I made.
I also made a second mistake; I forgot to unmask the layout with my information. Let’s say it is conceptual for the last poster of the year!
Speed Art Poster #365
This is the year’s last poster and speed art video tutorial. Please take a look and tell me what you think!
Great news for tomorrow! I cannot stop designing now, so you will see poster number 366 here! Have a nice day, and a happy new year!