The Cloud Apollo 21

Presentation of the Poster Design 21 The Cloud

For today’s poster design, I inspired myself with a picture of a cloud in the sky made by Alex Andrews.
The picture is interesting for a photo montage because of its separation generated by the blue sky and the grey smog.

About The Cloud Poster Design #21

Visual Creation and Digital Art of The Cloud Poster Design #21
Poster #21 The Cloud

Even before I began to design and asked myself what I would do, I knew I’d have to use the blue and grey separation made by the mist on Apollo’s Head to hide​ its bottom part.
I use a white transparent rectangle that passes​ in front and behind to create a more interesting composition. In addition,​ I use some lines in the picture with different blends and thicknesses.

The Cloud Conception
Making Off

From yesterday, I stop to convert the .mov files to .mp4 to make the video montage, and the result is much better.
Please don’t ask me why I did that before.

I hope you will enjoy my working on this Poster Design that I titled “The Cloud.”
See you tomorrow for the number 22!