Summer Cold Poster #227

Sometimes you have an idea which looks great in your head, and once you start to implement it in your software, you notice it wasn’t so clear. It happens today with the Poster Design #227.

The Design

I knew that I wanted to create a minimalist poster with typography, and of course, the picture of Apollo’s statue. I had an idea about the colors because, for one time, I knew the theme I was about to explore. I am in Switzerland, it is the summer, but the weather is cold, freezing in the morning and the evening.​ For the noon and the afternoon, it depends if the sun is shining or not.

I illustrated this changement in today’s poster by using some touches of red inside a large area of blue colors. ​I drew them with the Brush Tool and passed the layer under a Gaussian Blur Filter two times to melt the colors better. That is the reason why some parts seem​​ purple. I did that to warm up the poster a little bit.

After Finishing​ to find the correct typeface variations and combinations, I added a light grey line to break the focus direction of the title and Apollo’s statue.​ I also created two circles with the Liquify Filter and added one on the bottom right of the canvas​ and the second one in the intersection of the title and Apollo.

Speed ​Art Poster #227

Another short day because of the call of a customer​ asking for a quote to design a project. It was a surprise​ and brought additional​ work.

Whatever The time I had to spend to design a poster, I did it, and you can take a look at the speed art video number 227.
Check my website tomorrow to see what will look like the poster 228!
