Stars Eyes Poster #242

by | Aug 31, 2019

Yesterday was the toughest day of the year I think. The travel was so long, ​and during all the month of my stay in Switzerland, I accumulate so much tiredness that I sleep more than 10 hours last night with some interruptions.

The Design

Today’s poster is obviously inspired by space. I integrated two different images about the Universe full of stars in the canvas. I did it to clearly show my intentions because the lines behind Apollo says something different. Something in the opposite of space. These lines represent the time. I distorted the lines because of the time isn’t linear. Simple concept with a strong visual impact.

The color palette I used is not complicated too. I selected many blues and pink-red colors to fit them all together. I also used the Filter, Render, and hit Lens Flare. I previously fill a new layer with a dark color to apply this Filter. Then, I apply it on a shape in the background and the rounded shape on the bottom right of the canvas.​

Speed Art Poster #242

Before, I was tired because I didn’t sleep enough and now, I am tired because I slept too much. Ironic situation!

As usual I made the speed art poster of Stars Eyes poster. If you are curious about how I created the poster, take a look at the video, you will ​see everything I did.

Have a nice day and see you later for poster #243