Speed Ice Poster #112

Presentation of the creative blue and yellow poster design #112 named Speed Ice

I wanted to break the mini-series “Design Without a Cause” because using the same layout and elements was too easy.

The design

It was hard to come up with something good today! I tried many different things because I was trying to find my true self in my design practice, but on​ the other hand, I had to make the poster quickly—quickly and fast—because of all the stuff​ everybody has​ to do every day.

Visual of the poster #112 Speed Ice in yellow and blue
Poster #112 Speed Ice

That said, this poster is about angles, very sharp angles. I created several geometric shapes and hit the Filter option Deformation, Displace to generate these clinching ​forms.

Speed Art Poster #112

Thank you for checking design #112! If you like the speed art video, you can watch me working with it. And don’t forget to come back tomorrow for ​poster #113.

Music Credits

Spazz Cardigan made the fresh and pleasant song titled Raw Space.