Soul of a Font

Presentation image of the poster #68 Soul of a Font

Today’s poster is a font experimentation. I played with the 3D options Extrude & Bevel and wireframe options in Illustrator. I also added another filter > Deformation > 180° Objective​ above the first one, which is how I obtained this font style result.

Visual of the poster design #68 where I explorate 3D wireframe on font
Poster #68 Soul of a Font

After that, I went into Photoshop to generate Gaussian​ blur options, giving the letters light effect. Finally, I tried as well as I could to mix Apollo’s head and the font. The result is far from perfect, but as​ I said before, I dig deeper with experimentation. That’s a good thing​ for the following posters.

Soul of a Font Speed Art Poster #68

The poster took me a long time. Experimenting, trying new things, and mixing them without knowing​ the final result was risky. Unfortunately​ , today, it didn’t pay off so much.