Sketches of December 2020
It is a new format to showcase some of my artwork.
As a Graphic Designer, learning about new trends and techniques is crucial. You should also improve your drawing skills to sharpen your eyes. This allows you to see details and is also helpful for creativity.

Here are the sketches I made with a fine liner without a preliminary sketch with a pencil. That means there is no way to erase a single line. I used fine liners from 0.05 on all the sketches and a tip up to 0.8 for some.

Apollo’s sketches were inspired by an actual statue I bought online, and others are based on a photograph found on Pexels.

Dear Severino
I’m a matric art student from South Africa and as part of my art making process I am required to research a few artists of my choosing. I chose you as an artist to research especially because I loved your fine liner drawings and how you discuss the challenges you face as an artist online such as your obstacles with plagiarism. While this research largely took place in around February this year I recently returned to your website and while I love the changes you have made to it, it seems that you’ve taken down a large portion of your artworks? Especially the fine liner pen drawings. I’d love to see these artworks return to your website and I’d love to learn more in regards to your art making process and concepts.