Side by Side #17 Poster #350

by | Dec 16, 2019

Here we are again, I am late!
I am late because of a silly hard drive from LaCie. It is not the first time I have a problem with their products. But that time, it is boring for the simple reason that there are 2To of broken data. Three years of work as well as all my Apollo’s Poster.

Planned obsolescence, flawed system, my Porshe Design LaCie hard drive has crashed, and as you can imagine, I am so unhappy with that. I should write an article about it I think.

The Design

In late, frustrated, angry about my hard drive, I finally started to design this poster at the end of the afternoon which I know, is too late — upload a video takes an hour for my Internet connection.

This situation didn’t help me to get creative and feel well about my work too, I had to concentrate on myself to don’t become an idiot with my naughty daughter — she is great really. Fortunately, it is my mini-series poster time and I have a theme and an objective to pursue. It was a starting point that I didn’t have to create, it saves me from some troubles and saves some times too.

Speed Art Poster #350

Take a look at the speed art video tutorial to watch me working while creating this design.
Today, I will be creating the Poster Side by Side #18, so, come back later there to see what happens!