Rounded Edges #6 Poster #212

Today’s Poster Rounded Edges #6 looks like a construction or a building plan. It is a playful and visually fun vector artwork made with Adobe Illustrator.

The Design

More you do, more you want to do. It is usually an artist trap that is difficult to avoid sometimes. Instead, I realized a subtle creation which looks like animated, ​so the eyes are attracted everywhere inside the canvas. The visual impact is strong and the geometric shapes, dark and blue, creates an echo together.

​The process is pretty simple. Create a grid with many squares​ inside and then adjust it with a shear angle​ of 30° and then, rotate it to -30°. And you a​re done. You only have to follow the line with your shapes. Not complicated right?

The poster works well because of the larger and darker geometric shapes brings a sense of stability by way of contrast to the smaller and colored part which​ looks more dynamic, and nervous.​

Speed Art Poster #211

I am starting to recover from my second sickness of the year. I still don’t sleep so well because I cough, but I can sleep a little​!

Because I start to feel better; I think you can see it with today’s design! As ​proof of the fun,​ I had designing today, you can take a look at the speed art video number 212. Another good news, I didn’t encounter any problem with recording my screen. So, every part of the creative process is in the video! Enjoy!

Have a nice day and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for the poster number 213!​