Rounded Edges #5 Poster #211

Poster Rounded Edges #5 is a minimalist and clean design which features an optical illusion! I am proud of the result and I was also surprised​​.

The Design

I approximatively knew what I wanted to create with today’s poster. I have to thanks my sketches for that reason! I started the design by trying to create a rectangle only with strokes by following the guide of my isometric grid. After made some imperfection such as shadows which didn’t fit precisely​ blue stroke layer, or even two anchors​ not perfectly posed on each other, I finally start it over​.

​Once I did it, I duplicated the square and play around with it shapes to see what I can create until I find the result that you can appreciate on the left. Without forget to say that I tried to incorporate some of the rectangles I previously created on the other​ posters. It was unfortunate​​ and unnecessary​ catch attention, and the canvas needs no further additional forms to be nice.

Once I finished the design in Adobe Illustrator, I pass in Photoshop to polish the global look. I added noise and a blur Filters above and under my geometric optical illusion. Those effects bring other​ depths and texture to the poster, and that’s welcome.

Speed Art Poster #211

I still feel sick, and I fall asleep around 5 am. It was the occasion to contemplate the sun rays through an heavy-fog! The atmosphere looks yellow and brings a weird lights.

Except that chapter, I made the speed art video number 211. And guess what. I met some problem again! With Quicktime which didn’t want to register the video and only kept the last two minutes of a 20 minutes records. So frustrating!
You will miss the Photoshop part that I describe above in the video.

I thank you for being there, ​and I see you tomorrow for poster number 213!