Ridge #4 Poster #231

Short day to design a poster in addition​ to​ a little sleeping time out of the ​home on a sofa in a local. Go to bed late and wake up early is good from time to time if you do it from time to time​.

The Design

​It is obvious that I use approximatively always the same elements and style when I am creating a poster mini-series, and Ridge number 4 makes​ no exception to the rule.

As You see on the poster; I​ used blue color to fit the dark geometric shapes that I inspire from some of my old graffiti letters and futuristic designs. There always are steps in the creative process. More you dig into your mind; more you find ideas and concept that you can implement in your work. It is what I do with Ridge mini-series. Every day I have to find a different way to position the elements I created with adding others or removing some. Doing so makes you better in ​this specific area. If you keep experimenting new things, that can bring you to be awesome discoveries.

It is not what happens today, but, by changing the element from outside to inside the canvas to create a kind of explosion from the center, the poster looks fresh and new same if I used the same elements these last three posters.

Speed Art Poster #231

I am in a hurry to find my bed and get a night of good sleep because it was a long day full of things to do.

Like Usually, I invite you to take a look at the speed art video number 231 that I post on youtube. It is like a tutorial, ​and after watching the video, you will figure out how I created the poster.
See you tomorrow for poster Ridge number 5!
