Ridge #3 Poster #230

There are days when everything is going well. Nothing perturbative​ comes to you about inspiration and motivation. Same if it is going fine, you can’t find the time for yourself. Today was one of these days. Designing Ridge Poster didn’t take me a long time, and this is maybe the reason why it looks so fresh and dynamic.

The Design

The theme is there, the color scheme is not complete​, the look and feel are known by advance, I only need to arrange my elements according to the picture of Apollo and the canvas’s size. In other words, make it looks beautiful and nice. It is not overcomplex, and it allows me to focus on the global looks, little polish elements, and try to add or remove some graphic elements.

I started by put Apollo’s statue in the center of the canvas, I added the white rectangles over the black background and drew with the Pen Tool some complex, and sharpe forms. Then, I continued the poster with the green color that I selected on the go. I drew some form filled with this light and bright green, cut inside the line pattern and arrange in between the other elements of the poster.

I made a silly because of today’s laziness. I took a ​rasterized pattern of the previous poster, import them into today’s creation, select them and paint inside them with the brush tool and the bright green as the color. After creating the presentation’s images, which means to me to

Speed ​Art Poster #230

Today was another nicely spending sunday in Switzerland. As usual, i register my screen and compile the video of the Speed Art Poster number 230, so, take a look!

Come back tomorrow to see the poster number 231 and its video!