RGB CUBE Poster #401

Enigmatic digital art realized with a red, green, and blue cube

About the Poster

I wasn’t too inspired today due to the coronavirus. I must stay at home as much as possible. I didn’t leave home for four days, and supporting is becoming challenging. Fortunately, I can create stuff to spend time or play with my daughter. I have things to do, and that’s good. But no basketball!

I didn’t expect that result. I experimented with different blending modes and layer positions for each color to find the best way to render them nicely. It was a long process with uncertain results.

Poster speed art

I opened my mailbox this morning to find a message from YouTube telling me I don’t infringe on their rules and terms of use.
They said I redirect the viewer to my website, maybe because of my titles or because I look spammy. Perhaps both of them together! So, if someone feels infringed on something or another because of my content, title, or description, I apologize; it is not the goal of the channel and my work.

I repeat it: I self-imposed a design challenge, which consists of creating a daily poster. I recorded myself and put the videos on YouTube as a tutorial because you can see every option I hit from the start to the end of my process.
The reason why I call my speed art video tutorial.

I hope today’s video #401 won’t be removed from YouTube until you see it. Have a nice day, and don’t forget to come back tomorrow!

Music Credit

I select a song by Stayloose (YouTube) titled Freeze Frame.