Rain Poster #205

Creative introduction image of the poster design number 205 named Rain

I let my imagination go everywhere and came up with a new and fresh poster design freely made without constraints—except for using Apollo’s Picture and Molde Typeface!

The Design

Imaginative and creative poster with Apollo's Statue, Typography, and geometric forms

As often with the Apollo 365° self-imposed challenge, I don’t know what I will create. It is the same for me; it is a surprise​ . Sometimes, this strategy is good, ​and sometimes, it is not. This strategy pays off today because the poster has​ depth, is playful​ , and is visually attractive.

If you take a look at the speed art video, you will notice that I was about to create something that looked different from the one I finally created. I made some large grey rectangles on the background, ​and I started to cut inside Apollo’s head without a reason until I noticed it.

Then I started over and placed several of​ Apollo’s heads on each other in different sizes. I had a title with a white rectangle​ and added more significant types in between. To finalize the design, I added two colors to two statues and thin rectangles in blue and red as a rainy background.

I was researching aestheticism​ with this design, and ideas came individually while doing the design.

Speed Art Poster #205

Today was a hot​ day for designing the Rain Poster. As usual, you can look at Speed Art Video #205 to see the steps I took from start to finish of the creation process.
See you tomorrow for poster number 206!