About the Poster
Terrible day to design a poster!
I won’t select a picture that doesn’t inspire me anymore! I opened Photoshop this morning, and I didn’t know what I would do — that fact is usual, and I can quickly deal with it now — but the fact that the picture doesn’t help me made the task more challenging. It was a real burden!
A rabbit. It is not about whether I like or don’t like animals; it is about being inspired by the picture I choose. I thought it would be okay; I will find inspiration whatever the image is. But last time, I made it on purpose! Today, I chose a picture that doesn’t inspire me at all. It was the reverse of the mini-series “Photograph + the number of the picture.”
On the other hand, since I started today’s poster, I have realized that I put my mind and thought the wrong way. It was tough to create something I liked.
As you will notice in the video below, I tried several things, and nothing convinced me. I finally choose a style and go with it until the end.
Poster speed art
Please look at my struggle while creating poster 456 with the Speed Art Video.
I meet you tomorrow for Poster #457.
Have a nice day!
Music Credit
Late Night Drive is a song I already used in a previous video. If you don’t know the man behind this song, it is Nat Keefe & BeatMower (Youtube).
Photography Credit
The rabbit in the picture I used to create today’s poster was shot by Photographer Ingmar H (Unsplash). You can also follow him on Instagram.