About the Poster
Almost minimalist? Or maybe it is too complex to enter this category of design. This poster’s name is the French translation of four hundred fifty-eight.
Guess how many blended shapes there are between the two geometric shapes. Yes, four hundred fifty-eight. It was like an idea that came from nowhere. I finally asked myself, “why not?”. The result is satisfying and looks good. It is modern, and the inspiration for it comes from Japanese posters.
I also noticed something about the layout’s typography: I still use the same font from Apollo 365° (2019), the first year of the Design Challenge.
Poster speed art
It was an enjoyable design to do from the start to the end! If you want to watch me working on this poster, I realized with Adobe Illustrator, take a look at the video below, let me a comment, give a thumb, subscribe to the channel, and give me some million dollars on my PayPal account — the same name I use for my URL, in case if.
Have a nice day, and don’t forget to check here for poster #459!
Music Credit
The song I created for today’s poster is Cupid’s Tubes, produced by Ben Wilson, aka DivKid (Official Website). He is an electronic music artist based in the UK. You can also visit DivKid Chanel on YouTube.