Quantity Poster #226

Today has been a short and tight day to design the Poster Design #226. Many things to do with not enough time.
I come up with a​ timeless creation where I explore a quantity contrast between orange and blue.

The Design

​At a first time, I had some trouble to integrate the two pictures of Apollo’s head, find a correct tone for them, and play​ with other elements. In a second time, I had struggled​​ to find what types of elements I can associate​ with the faces.

After Entirely focus into​ my creation, things became easier like find elements, colors, forms, and how to create an interaction between them. I like the overlapping effect​ of many Apollo’s heads on each other because that brings dynamism and the fact that I used two different images of Apollo contribute to accentuate the effect.​

Speed Art Poster #226

Today I am in a hurry to go bed. Tired and exhausted by work and family. It was difficult to separate them. I tried to live it up every aspect as much as possible.

The speed art video number 226 is online, and I am sure that you will enjoy watching me working on that poster because I combined many different types of stuff in one poster.
Have a good night or day, and see you tomorrow for the poster number 227!
