Hey everybody! I come back from a restaurant, and I discover a delicious meal. It was a cold chicken that baths in a sauce made of Sichuan pepper. It was so tasty and strong, but it was an excellent meal to taste in China. After coming back from the super, I am writing these lines, and it is a little late to present you with poster design number 6 of the mini-series Pixel Process. Like the previous designs, I used Processing 3, and one of the scripts was written by Kim Asendorf.
The Design

As usual, I experiment with a script I don’t even partially understand. I am starting to figure out some parts and try to modify some parameters, but I am unsure what I am doing. I am sure I like the result of what I am doing with the script and the software.
The result is bizarre, strange, odd, or whatever words you want to use to describe these extended pixels and all the modifications the script generates. It is a world to discover, and I am asking myself if it is a way I want to follow. Learning to code is a time investment I am not sure I can spend. I already have other things I want to know, others I want to dig deeper , and so on.
Speed Art Poster #279
Now, you know that I am making a speed art video daily, and I did it today, too, for Pixel Process #6. Take a look at it and share your thoughts, criticisms, and advice if you get some, or at least one. They are all warmly welcomed.
I’ll see you tomorrow to discover Poster #280. Have a nice day!