Today, I realized the third poster of the mini-series Pixel Process. One more time, I used the open-source software Processing 3 and the same line of code written by Kim Asendorf; he deserves its credit because that style is according to its script.
The Design

I used the same process as yesterday to create poster number 276. I generate images within the Processing Application with the help of lines of code. The only creative part is when I import those images to Photoshop and start cutting, moving, scaling, and changing the colors to integrate these elements within the canvas.
Then, I select the interesting parts of each picture. Processing generates them, arranges them and their elements, changes the layer position, etc. I am wondering what kind of change I will make tomorrow. I can’t continue like that all the time. As I said in a previous article, the challenge with mini-series is to find something new in the same style. It was easy until the fifth poster because I had to explore my creativity to create something new there. Or at least a new and interesting visual.
Speed Art Poster #276
Since yesterday, I have been taking Herbal Chinese medicine. Once you put the dark brown pill in your mouth, you notice it is made from herbs. I feel they are more healthy too.
One more time, I compiled the speed art video of my working time. You will be able to discover everything I did to create today’s poster.
Have a nice day, and see you tomorrow for poster #277!