Periodic Spam Poster #332

Presentation of the creation number 332 Periodic Spasm

This morning, I finally started to hear my alarm clock again—I do—and it is good! Unfortunately, I wake up only to close it and fall asleep again. No glory!
I took a free morning to care for my daughter — It falls on me like an obligation — and we go to a center with a place that allows children to play freely.

The Design

Visual of the photo manipulation number 332

I designed the poster late in the afternoon. As I said yesterday, I suggested creating something better than usual. The result is better because today as if I was late to design, I spent more time on today’s poster.

Of course, more time allowed me to find more ideas, think, try, and test many different things. The result is a creative design that impresses and inspires me. I don’t see any arrogance there. To change from the usual feeling my posters bring me after finishing them, today is a fabulous surprise.

Speed Art Poster #332

I hope that the Periodic Spasm Poster will interest you enough to take a look at my speed art video tutorial on YouTube!
Come back tomorrow to discover poster #333. Have a nice day!