Blue Blur Poster #1042

Presentation image of a blue, black, grey, and blue poster I created with Apollo's Statue

About the poster I like the ambiance of the design I created and would like to explore several other options further. I think it is the start of a new mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

X Poster #1041

Presentation of the graphic creation number 1041 I named X

About the poster I based today’s composition on an x from the center of the canvas. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Equation Poster #1040

Graphic overview of the poster design 1040 I titled Equation

About the poster I created a central composition with Apollo and surrounded it with different elements. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Where Poster #1039

Graphic creation I realized with the photograph of a statue, forms, and typography

About the poster Today’s poster follows up the style I realized these last days. I created it by cutting apollo’s head and adding stuff according to the ideas I’ve got at that moment. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Poster #1038 Escape

Presentation of an aerial poster I realized with the picture of Apollo's Statue

About the poster I am re-using a previous design I realized during the first year of my challenge. And it is this that style! Speed Art Video Tutorial

Waiting Poster #1037

Visual presentation of the poster number 1037 named Waiting

About the poster Another variation of yesterday’s design I realized with the picture of Apollo. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Letter to Apollo Poster #1036

About the poster Just like Apollo, I come back with a kind of style I realized during the first year of my Challenge. It is a poetic and aerial design that works visually very well. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Creative Vomit Poster #1035

Overview of the creation 1035 I named Creative Vomit

About the poster There has been a long time that I didn’t use Apollo’s picture to create a poster. It was how the challenge started for me, and luck is that you will some new design with the face of this greek god. Speed Art Video Tutorial

NY10 Poster #1034

About the poster It seems that I already used that style before. Whatever, I am trying different things with the picture of New York. Speed Art Video Tutorial