Pink Blur Poster #1052

Overview of the poster creation number 1052 Pink Blur

About the poster The mini-series is evolving very well, in my opinion. The contrast between the organic and strict shapes nicely well. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Purple Blur Poster #1051

Overview of the graphic qualities of the poster 1051 Purple Blur

About the poster I evolved the style of the mini-series. I made a minimalist layout with a purple gradient. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Orange Blur Poster #1050

Presentation image of the poster 1050 named Orange Blur

About the poster I felt orange today. So, I used orange with transparency as a gradient to compose my elements within the canvas. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Yellow Blur Poster #1049

Digital art made with Photoshop, Apollo's picture, typography, and transparency

About the poster This mini-series of creations is starting to become repetitive. Meaning I must change or improve it drastically in a way or another. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Red Blur Poster #1048

Digital overview of the poster number 1048

About the poster It is a new layout I divided by three to compose with typography and the photograph of Apollo. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Blue Blur #5 Poster #1046

Overview of the poster number five of the mini-series titled Blue Blur

About the poster It is the same style over and over. What if I change the color? Do I have to change the name too? Speed Art Video Tutorial

Blue Blur #4 Poster #1045

Presentation image of the poster number 1045 named Blue Blur 4

About the poster I am still trying to improve and explore what I can do with this mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Blue Blur #3 Poster #1044

Overview of the creation number 1044 named Blue Blur 3

About the poster It is a new creation and I continue to explore that style. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Blue Blur #2 Poster #1043

Visual overview of the poster number two of the mini-series Blue Blur 2

About the poster I created a new mini-series one more time. I like the style and the feel of this design with the blurry shapes and minimalist design. Speed Art Video Tutorial