Lost Mind #6 Poster #1072

Presentation of the digital creation titled Lost Mind 6

About the poster I am trying different things about that concept, and I have fun. I am also thinking about stopping the Challenge at the end of the year. Not totally! I will continue but not every day. I am still not so sure. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #5 Poster #1071

Visual overview of the poster number 1071 named Lost Mind 5

About the poster Tomorrow, I will use that style again, but instead of doing horizontal lines, I will try verticals. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #4 Poster #1070

Visual overview of the creation number 1070 named Lost Mind 4

About the poster While publishing today’s creation, I suddenly noticed that I almost used the same colors as yesterday’s design. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #3 Poster #1069

Overview of the creation number 1069 named Lost Mind 3

About the poster The mini-series continue with pastel colors, the picture of Apollo, and handwritten typography. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind #2 Poster #1068

Overview of the poster creation titled Lost Mind 2

About the poster I had so much fun doing yesterday’s poster that I decided to continue this style as a mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Lost Mind Poster #1067

Overview of the poster number 1067 named Lost Mind

About the poster I let fall the previous mini-series to start something new today. I get inspired by my childhood, and I dedicate today’s creation to my younger self. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Math #5 Poster #1066

Overview of the poster 1066 named Math 5

About the poster A different composition with the same style I used for the mini-series. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Math #3 Poster #1064

About the poster I hope you like that style because I am not ready to stop it. Speed Art Video Tutorial

Math #2 Poster #1063

Presentation of the poster 1063 named Math 3

About the poster I like that style because it is playful and relaxing to do it. Speed Art Video Tutorial